How is our little miss Stella three weeks old already? Time has flown by {well, minus a few nights}. It's amazing to see how much more she is discovering each and every day. Eric and I joke that she is our little mozart because she is always flailing her arms like she is conducting music and moving her legs. She never sits still - the sign for sure of a very athletic lady {lien genes}. On top of her ever moving legs and arms, she is always, ALWAYS making funny faces. I think I have successfully discovered which one is her poop face as well!
A few highlights from the first three weeks::
It seems like we always have an "incident" to trigger Stella's bath. The first one is seen here where both sides of the family were over and we were all laughing at Stella's toots... not laughing so much when we opened up our little surprise on the changing table to learn it had made its way all the way up to her neck almost. First bath time! This picture is hilarious and absolutely captures the moment!
2. Her amazing faces + discoveries. Eric and I still just stare at her in awe, she is perfect in every way. Seeing her look into our eyes, recognize our voices, make her million faces when she is sleeping, fills our hearts with such love that we didn't even think was possible {sorry for the sappy comment}. She's got quite the grasp on those little fingers. She's already successfully grabbed and tugged at my hair, loves to hold on to your pinkies and march on my stomach with her strong legs. Here are a few good "Stella face pictures" from my iPhone:
80 degrees in March = Grandpa Jolly's shirt off during Lake Calhoun walk!
We've got so many more pictures of all the people that have visited and of course of Stella that I will upload as a part of her Month 1 montage... let's hope I can figure that out!
Lots of love,
Eric, Katie, Stella + Jack