Saturday, February 15, 2014

Some recent Stella favorites...

When did my little baby go from babbling to talking in complete sentences telling us what she did for the day, what she needs or just plain old bossing us around?  Her little personality is starting to shine.

Favorite phrases: 

"(insert any name), No"
"I need help momma/dadda" - amazing how she tells us what she needs.
"that's not okay" - including shaking her head no.  yes, she has a strong personality
"oh me no" - with her shoulders shrugged and hands up {"I don't know"}
"Awesome!!" - Eric and I couldn't stop laughing when she said this the first time in the car.
"I love you (insert name)"
"Oh me gosh" - Always used in the right context.  Again, cue the same reaction from Eric and me.
"My favorite"
"Mommy/Daddy, can Elmo come?"
"Lips ONLY" - she got this from us.  She has a crazy obsession with lip balm so we trained and trained by saying "Lips Only, Stella" so she only puts the chapstick on her lips.
"Oh baby"
"Clean Up"

A few weeks ago she asked us what our names were "what's dads name, momma" "what's moms name, dadda" which Eric and I incessantly kept saying Mommy and Daddy until we caved.  She now knows us as Katie and "Erin".

Other favorites:
- Singing twinkle twinkle, our nightly routine:

- ABC's - got that down with some sign language too {thank you, school... maybe she can teach us the signs}

- Can count to 10 on her own {but note, everyone is turning 2 for their birthday}

- She also has taken to reading on her own....

- As we prepare for baby #2, to which Stella has named "her" - Owen Cookie Monster - she has really taken to her dolls.  She currently has three of them, but only two have names... Owen and Mimi.  She loves taking them for walks around the house, checking there diapers to see if they "poopied", hugging and kissing them, reading them books and tucking them in for the night. To adorable for words.