I am not one to care about or need to make a big deal about celebrations for myself, but for some reason, I had in my head that I wanted a day dedicated to our family as my first mother's day. Knowing Eric, obviously, he would have something planned and it was the absolute perfect day. We've been really busy lately with Eric's work travel so having a day the three of us was just what the doctor ordered. My day started out with the most amazing 80 minute massage and then we spent the gorgeous day out in Minnehaha Falls with dinner at Sea Salt in the park! It was our first time there and I think this may be our go to place in the summer.
Stella is loving discovering her hands lately! She's so curious about what those little things are and is putting them in her mouth all the time!
Daddy and Stella at Minnehaha Falls
So sleepy waiting in line at Sea Salt!
Free beer for moms on mother's day! |
Happy Mother's Day Katie!