Thursday, May 31, 2012

Stella - 3 Months

Wow, we have a three month old.  Again, I think I could start every blog post with time flies.  And I think I could stare at her every minute of the day and still think the same thing.  I am always wondering what she is thinking, especially when she is making all those millions of faces... and when she smiles... 

We've had a lot of firsts this month: 
- bridal shower for Aunt Heidi

- mother's day
Clearly excited for mothers day!

- sleep through the night (although it was only once or twice)
- consistent babbling 
- discovery of her thumb 
- airplane ride
Just about to take off on my first airplane ride!
- wedding

This is the month of discovering her hands and mouth!  Not only do the hands always go in her mouth, but she's also discovered grabbing her blankets and bringing them up to her mouth to lick them.  She licks our shoulders, grabs toys which end up in her mouth, etc.  Its the cheapest toy and she is absolutely fascinated by them!  At 11 weeks she discovered that yummy thumb!  Here is the series of pictures that led up to the big moment::

And the big moment....

Stella really LOVES playtime and now has discovered some new toys!  She can spend 30 minutes laying in her play gym, staring at Mr. Octopus, batting at the toys, discovering herself in the mirror and smiling.  She's also grabbing at her O-Ball, mostly to put it in her mouth.  
Giving the new toy on my carseat a good stare down.
Totally fascinated with the O-ball. 

Grabbing Mr. Octopus and chatting with him

She's holding her head up so well and we've even tried the bumbo seat... she's a little wobbly in that one yet but we'll sit in there and stare in the mirror while I brush my teeth and put my contacts in!  Those hands and feet are still busy as always.  This month she's started to really stand up with our help and her latest is to climb up our stomachs when we are holding her up.
Wow I can sit up in this thing??
Practicing my standing!

Standing up with a little help from Mom!
Making bubbles constantly!
Tummy time pushing herself up!

Not minding my bath anymore!
Being adorable

She's also started babbling up a storm this month!  She loves having conversations with us when we hold her, mr. octopus when she is laying on her play mat and herself when she is staring in the mirror.  We are still waiting and hoping for that first laugh to come soon!  We see plenty of smiles and lots of babbles, but no laugh yet. 

Here's a few videos from the month::
Babbling Stella
Smiley Stella
Since she is so long, we've packed away a good portion of her 0-3 month clothes and have moved into 3-6 months!  At the rate I am packing away clothes, I am going to really need to learn how to control my emotions.  I find myself looking back at her first and second month slideshows for fear that I might forget how tiny she was!  How was that really less than 12 weeks ago?

Jack and her have also become buddies through the month.  Lots of stares and licks!

And on to sleeping, while she does so well sleeping at night (we had one sleeping through the night moment!), she's not always sleepy during the day.  She's on a pretty predictable 3 hour schedule during the day where we eat and play for the first 1.5 hrs and I'd love her to sleep for the second 1.5 hours, but thats really not the case.  The sleeping consists of 20 minutes - 2 hours, mostly on the 20 minute side!

Happy three month birthday Stella!  Here's a short slideshow of the month.
Stella's 3 months!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day


I am not one to care about or need to make a big deal about celebrations for myself, but for some reason, I had in my head that I wanted a day dedicated to our family as my first mother's day.  Knowing Eric, obviously, he would have something planned and it was the absolute perfect day.  We've been really busy lately with Eric's work travel so having a day the three of us was just what the doctor ordered.  My day started out with the most amazing 80 minute massage and then we spent the gorgeous day out in Minnehaha Falls with dinner at Sea Salt in the park!  It was our first time there and I think this may be our go to place in the summer.  

Stella is loving discovering her hands lately!  She's so curious about what those little things are and is putting them in her mouth all the time!

Daddy and Stella at Minnehaha Falls

So sleepy waiting in line at Sea Salt!

Free beer for moms on mother's day!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunny Day to Band-Aids and Tears....

Stella had her two month appointment this week {9 wks old}... She is growing like a weed! Before the dreaded appointment (shots!) we spent a gorgeous day outside.

The before picture with daddy::

Height: 24 1/4 in (96th percentile)
Weight: 12# 14 oz (89th percentile)
Head Circumference: 39.7 cm (69th percentile)

The second part of the appointment was where my anxiety set in... I had been thinking about it all day, wondering how she was going to take it (and quite frankly how I was going to take it).  She had to get two shots.  I've never heard her scream the way she did, she did not like those needles.  Nor did I.  

Those dreaded shots are done... the result?  Two adorable band-aids & a sleepy and cranky Stella over the following two days.