Thursday, May 2, 2013

80 Degrees, Ice Cream + the Park!

Exploring our new city on one of the two nice days we've had since October!  Safe to say, we'll be at the park a lot.  Stella loves to swing.

our kids...looking in the distance

This video melts my heart.

She took her tractor for a test spin as well in our backyard... beep beep!

April Travels....

I've been lagging in my recording... we have had such a fun past two months with our little Toddler... she's so quickly become a 14 month old that LOVES to talk {hmm...where could she have gotten that from}, is super curious about walking, prefers to only do it with her push toys, and is still not walking on her own.  

Eric and I are in awe every day as she seems to pick up a new word and POINT at everything... 

Mama, Dada, Jackie, "ax" {Max her friend at school}, Aiden {her crush at school she always is smiling at and waving to}, Mimi {her teacher Jaime}, HI {and she says it to everyone}, ball, owl, baby, belly, peeease {please}, aja {with a finger point of course - her word for everything else}, bubbles, some animal sounds {raar}.

Stella visited the Delta Sky Club twice in April - we should get her a frequent flier card!  
First trip - She went to Colorado earlier in the month to visit Uncle C... who taught her how to high five!

She did awesome on the plane, standing up pulling on the seat and saying hi, waving and smiling to everyone!  We went to Beaver Creek for some awesome skiing, hanging with her crazy aunts and uncle C, and becoming a little apres ski bunny!  

She looks so much bigger on Uncle C's couch this year!

Walking in the village with Auntie Em.

Cranky Stella.

Next up... a trip to Scottsdale Arizona two weeks later with her boyfriend Benjamin!  She wasn't so sure of that big bath tub {the pool} at first, but took more of a liking to it the second day {glued to mom of course}.  We had a great time playing with the Colvin's + DeRuyters!

They wouldn't cooperate with smiles...

This goes down as one of my favorite pics ever of her.

Such a fun trip!

I'll leave you with our chatty toddler....